Appeal for Violations of Title VII Civil Rights
The District Court dismissed the case
on 12/7/2022. Father timely filed a
notice of appeal on 12/15/2022.
As Filed
- an abbreviated and redacted copy
Statement of the Issues
In the context of the District Court’s 12/7/2022 dismissal, i.e., “Kifor’s complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted. His contorted definition of an employer is patently frivolous. That the Commonwealth may receive some federal reimbursement for state monies spent in enforcing child support orders against him does not create any sort of employer/employee or ‘joint employer’ relationship between the Family Court and Kifor,” the three issues are:
Did the District Court err in circumventing Father’s manifested intentions to amend his civil rights violations claims with the racketeering substantiations?
Did the District Court err by manipulating the concise facts of the matter, i.e., by inverting the inherent causality between the “causes” and their “effects”?
Did the District Court err by reinterpreting, trivializing, or simply abandoning the concept of forced “joint employment” already present in federal precedent?
As Ordered
- an abbreviated and redacted copy